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Seeking Ranch Hand/ Wrangler/ Cowboy Position

Julian Belville

Job Type SeekingWrangler, Cowboy, Ranch Hand
LocationAZ, TX, WY, CO
Salary Preferred $2600/month
Housing NeededYes
Experience Level0-1 Years

Im 18 year old from New Mexico and willing to travel if needed to either Arizona, Texas Colorado or Wyoming, don’t own a horse and I have very little horse experience and none ranching experience but I’d love to change that, im a willing worker and would love to gain the experience!

How to Contact

Email[email protected]
Job TypeCowboy, Hand, Wrangler
LocationAZ, WY, TX, CO
Salary2600/ month
Housing RequiredYes
Experience Level0-1 Years
Social Medias Instagram: @julian.belville